Theme: Humanitarian action, prevention and resilience: bridges across agencies, policy and practice A call for humanitarian action and collective wisdom Submit your abstract by May 30th , 2015 2015 Olympism4Humanity Summit Marathon & Ancient Olympia June 25-29, 2015 Olympism For Humanity (O4H) Alliance is organizing an annual conference (O4H Summit) during the first five days of each year’s O4H Praxis summer program, aiming to advance interdisciplinary, academic human-centered alliances, scholarship and educational opportunities that will facilitate the resolution of existing global challenges. History has taught us that the direct and indirect effects of the economic recession, unemployment, poverty, and civic disengagement are interconnected with xenophobia, immigration, war and violence across groups and cultures. While a number of scholars, academics, policy makers, practitioners and humanitarian agencies have been engaging in discourses and programming related to the resolution of existing social challenges, “the problems around us grow faster than the actions each one of us is taking.” Based on the foundation that “we can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” (Albert Einstein), the annual O4H Summit is aiming to establish a world leading platform of an inter-disciplinary community where youth, scholars, researchers, thinkers, policy-makers, and practitioners work collaboratively “to explore and enhance the contribution of Olympism to humanity.” During this conference, academics, NGO practitioners, youth, educators and humanitarian actors showcase current humanitarian programs and scholarship and participate in workshops to embrace a shared vision. The 5-day residential O4H Summit will take place in Athens, Marathon and Ancient Olympia, Greece from June 25th– June 29th, 2015. This summit will serve as a platform for introspection, community building, system re-design and global action. The annual Summit aims to bring together academics, practitioners and humanitarian actors and agencies to serve as a platform for global action on sensitive and current global humanitarian challenges. We envision this platform as an introspective venue for a journey across “time and space” in an attempt to build bridges across disciplines, cultures and institutions- merging development, social cohesion, civic engagement, peace building, innovation, prevention and resilience. Our vision is to create an inspiring and enlightened setting for the advancement of a discourse about social innovation and collective global-local actions where the academic world, change agencies, youth and humanitarian actors can be connected to the challenges of our local communities. Our challenge is to advance applied interdisciplinary scholarship, local action and civic engagement opportunities that will potentially reform the role of academic institutions, youth and humanitarian actors into agencies that reach out and engage, support and collaborate for the improvement of the human condition. Based on the Socratic notion of wisdom, this summit serves as a journey of knowledge uninhibited by borders of language, discipline, culture, time and tradition. Questioning our current state of being (personal and institutional) will advance collective knowledge and actions towards the improvement of the human condition-locally and across globe. This summit aims to serve as a space for introspection, inspiration, as well as a foundation for creating actions geared towards strengthening global humanitarian action. We therefore invite you to join a dynamic community at the birthplace of the Olympic Spirit. Join us in Olympia to light your O4H “torch” and become an “Olympian” in service of humanity. 2015 O4H Summit Contributions
Copyright 2012-2015, Olympism4Humanity- All rights reserved.
5/17/2015 0 Comments 4th unedited freestyle blogging with typos- without second reading!!!!!!! Peacebuilding Context Re-Design instead of Content...strong drive to write but very overwhelmed with both- the amount - and the deviation of the 3-4 directions of the different frameworks I want to express and put on "paper"
Muses- are off for the weekend- I guess... As with the previous unedited with typos pieces- a keyword and a warm up session is essential component for this call Cyprus- past- present and future (I can at least start with a context) Over the week i had an enlightening, inspiring experience at the annual peacebuilding conference that took place in DC. Seven main themes that inspired me at the weeklong peacebuilding convention...(I like seven- and it's trendy in social media to come to the 7 best lessons etc) 1) Quality, intention, personal and institutional sense of purpose of the peacebuilding community. Thirst for ...more 2) Determination- combined with awareness on the flaws- personal and institutional- (acknowledging current state of being- strengths and weaknesses is the first - and essential step for growth and progress) 3) Self- institutional awareness/sarcasm beyond the washy wishy-ness of the terms of "peace" or "peacebuilding" combined with openness for change grounded on futuristic creative design- guided and informed by theory and applied scientific paradigms, is a great recipe with great potential. 4) Academic commitment in spending resources, brain power and institutional drive to move beyond the lala-academic land- questioning and exploring tangible ways where the three major functions of the western academic world can co-exist (education+research/scholarship production+Service) 5) Futuristic peacebuilding designs should be transformed from discourses of content - in to comprehensions and processes of context. There's more need to prepare individuals that function in a rapidly changing world- and therefore our responsibility should be to see our students (citizens and our communities) not as content carriers- but as higher impact context changers 6) Acknowledgment/reiteration that peace or peacebuilding is often demonized, misused and abused (there is ying yang here as well- personal and institutional) - voicing commitment to move beyond the silos of the lala-land, with more credibility and accountability (personal and institutional) 7) Soundness of the creative scientific connections between peacebuilding- brain functions and neuroscience. Groundbreaking scholarship and scientific endeavors across disciplines are essential if the vision is to challenge and improve state of being. The tricky thing though-in any human endeavor- is the complexity of the brain. The scary thing? We should NOT count on the assumption of Mankind's rationality. A great picture and metaphor from last week's conference was that human brain is like an elephant. The elephant carry collective memories, social norms, fears and pre-existing complexities. The rider, on top of the elephant (our conscious and creative mind)- can set direction and guide the elephant to new places. The choice is on each one of us. It all comes to where we place our focus- (the elephant- or the rider(s)) So what? What is the connection between theory and practice? Building on the momentum of what is happening in Cyprus- I feel re-energized, excited and pessimistic at the same time. In complex situations like the center of the universe- (referring to Cyprus) peacebuilding is not about content (only)- but a process in which we conceptualize and re-design context- that should entail vision, functionality and intentionality- with one foundational purpose. To serve it's citizens! Healing and apology is essential first step from both sites. Diagnostics and conflict analysis is a vital step on the existing viruses and diseases (personal and institutional) that continually contaminate human-oriented futuristic vision. Creative personal, institutional and civic engagement on the peacebuilding "re-construction" endeavor is vital- grounded on paradigms and disciplines that will embrace a higher (feasible and realistic) purpose- respecting the old- but most importantly- investing for the new! While all this sound exciting- the big question remains the same. Whether the currently engaged actors will reproduce the old- or transform the existing landscape into something new. Are they (we) going to follow the Elephant or the Rider's pathway? There is hope and a choice. To be or not to idiot (which...of course- comes from a greek word #bigreekfatweddingfactfinding)- a word that captures what was not valued in a ancient Greek democratic communities. Self-centered- and not civically engaged persons (and institutions) that think and care ONLY for their personal interest. Peacebuilding- teambuilding and reconciliation require the opposite. Creativity and Fear do not- and can NOT coexist. Overcoming fear should be our commitment. An an-diotic civic engagement (not referring to the demonized and ngo-ized civil society) can potentially create conditions for both- renovations of old "buildings" (narratives and institutions)- and for creative futuristic design of new bridges, buildings, cities and communities in a context and design that is is different form the existing one. Peacebuilding (Vs the static concept of Peace)- like bridgebuilding, housebuilding and any construction- should serve personal and community needs. Such endeavors should have a functional vision and purpose. Bridges, housing and any construction enterprise though- once they are built- require maintenance. Cost efficiency? It all depends on the actors involved, the transparency and the commitment the "engaged actors" have on serving the actual purpose- blueprint and design. Quality and sustainability? Depends on the architectural design, the structure, the ingredients- and the functions they are meant to serve. When it comes to Urban, City or Community Design- bigger vision beyond personal or individual needs are needed for both- functionality, accessibility and sustainability. A shared vision and higher purpose on the functionality, rationality and the feng shui of the design is essential. Otherwise- why should one build a house- a community on a design that no one would like to use, respect, engage or appreciate. PS- next unedited- Theoretical foundations and practical recommendations- metaphor and implications in the current situation in Cyprus. 5/3/2015 0 Comments 3rd unedited without a filter- with many typos without second reading!!!!!!! Socrates- Plato and Aristotle working together for the same purpose...Abstraction and linearity- theory building and theory testing- inductive and deductive reasoning- philosophy and rational thinking.
Socrates- Plato and Aristotle working together for the same purpose... Reflecting on the two first writing without thinking pieces, reinforces- with more clarity, my understanding of the gap - and the potential bridges between theory and praxis. On the one hand- free "fall" thinking, abstraction, philosophy and channeling ideas through a socratic baby delivery questioning process, makes no sense- if its content is not linked with linearity, simplicity and application in the real world. This first mental function, inductive and free way of thinking is where flow- new ideas are generated beyond linearity (paradox between psychic entropy, Csicksent). New frameworks are being conceived, with new understandings and possibilities. This Platonic/Socratic conceptual part has certain attributes that are considered the foundations of theory building (concepts and propositions). On the other hand- the conceptual part of this abstraction needs to be translated WITH linearity, articulation, simplicity and scientific mindset- by operationalizing concepts into variables, propositions into hypotheses- and abstraction of theory building into evidence and theory testing. This process is considered the foundation of inductive and deductive reasoning- and essential component of the scientific inquiry (tested, validated, published and approved by the gatekeepers of each discipline). Providing well articulated linear and simple abstraction is needed for (social/public) consumption and application in practice. Clarity- based on well organized and established disciplines, is also important for institutionalizing new knowledge and new practice (social, educational, medical etc). However, this practice has its flaws- (luck of inter-connections between disciplines and absence of unity and holistic understanding). On the other hand- abstraction, philosophy and lala-ivory tower academic-talk- can be totally disconnected from people, communities and societies- failing in this way to achieve a very basic function. The application of new knowledge in practice- with the assumption that production of new knowledge should aim the improvement of our understanding of the phenomena around us- and consequently- improvement human condition! Linear connection with previous sections: Both functions (inductive and deductive reasoning) should be embraced without limits. Both proficiencies are needed in knowledge deconstruction and abstraction- linked with linear- scientific- evidence based operationalized abstraction- applied in practice and expressed in simple well (re)defined variables (applied theory building and theory testing). In short- this is the main foundation of theory building (Platonic/Socratic) and theory testing (Aristotelian linearity, logic and epistemology). Both functions combined (abstraction, intersection and interplay between inductive and deductive reasoning)- tested - filtered and approved by the scientific community of each discipline, (gatekeepers). This is the existing "mechanism" of the existing and established culture of science and scientific enterprise. Many questions and challenges remain unanswered and unresolved though. Does over specialization (mastery and proficiencies) often lead to reductionism and knowledge without unity across other aspects of reality? Do gatekeepers have the ability to conceive new abstractions beyond the already established knowledge? Are gatekeepers- often trapped in knowledge they've already produced, based on which- they've already gained popularity, tenure, grants and reputation? Would deconstruction of existing knowledge- and potential change of the existing paradigm be threatening and uncomfortable- as an expected reaction of the humankind to any change- even positive? If the main purpose of the production of new knowledge (scientific and academic) aims to serve humanity (by definition- this is what universities and academia exist for) then the answer should be linear and simple. The problems around us call us for creative deconstruction and reform of the existing paradigm- enriched with more abstraction, creative and non-linear brain power- translated and tested with evidence from the field-and with bridges across people (cognitions/mental connections) disciplines- agents and agencies across cultures. We still have a long way to go! Acknowledging though the anomaly of the existing paradigm (diagnostics) is the first step of a journey towards new knowledge, new solutions- progress, innovation and change. PS Note: Next step of this writing series- complete abstraction and link it with linearity- AMC Theory and application in today's reality. Renaissance-SFDT- O4H System's approach and O4H Governance translated into 12-year old talk and language. 5/1/2015 1 Comment 2nd unedited without a filter- with many typos without second reading!!!!!!! More on O(i)estros: Roots, Implications and Foundations on ped/andr-AgogiNo writing does not oistros (see previous piece - April 28)
Sometimes the moments of silence can be more oestrogonic once bluetooth and wifi is on. the last two days i had multiple recollections from the past- reminded how my pedagogy/andragogy was influenced by hellenism- (how one can avoid it by the way:) The first lecture I've attended during my studies in Greece was Pedagogiki (word should make sense to the non-greeksss as weeeeeelllllll) and it was all about Socrates, Virtues, Socratic "baby-dilevery" humor (sarcasm) and going to Greece for sport related studies instead of having Galis, Yiannakis we were all welcomed by the concepts and the spirit of the ancient! I LOOOOOOVED IT!- it was magic- regenerating, refreshing and inspiring!!! took the best notes of my life- and i believe- those days- were the first days I was sooooo engaged, lost and excited about the direction I was going. So I guess- this was my first intellectual/psychic/cosmic oestros. It felt ecstatic (emotionally and intellectually) Socially though- not so much. How can one keep the balance between the world of ideas and the modern world- especially the first year-months in a college! This framework though- determined significantly the way I think- coached (back in the old days)- teach, theorize and research (need some coffee and will come back)....ok- this framework also determined the political philosophy of the scholarship I've produced- policies, programming, curricula and vocational training I've developed etc etc...(ok now I get it!) without oistros- (and its roots) without the first piece of writing (unedited with typos on April 28)- I would have forgotten the roots of my biggreekfatweddiness kinda way of thinking and how my work was influenced by the ancient times greekness...(Greek heritage, family, papoudin and nonoudin mou- and other factors definitely interplay- but the sure thing-was that this was the trigger) triggers of all the pieces of our peace (Woolfgang - right on with your framework) with positive oestrogonic stimuli- can lead to intense moments of here and now (in terms of emotional response, cognitive intellectual ahhhhahiness- and physical alertness- and physiological ...biologists and neuroscientists should take it on from here) (elaborate on how this relate to nostalgia- Homeric- nostos and algos as a drive for being present and its value for growth, happiness and evolution). So what? Understanding self- is the foundation of everything- and the more you learn about something the more you realize how ignorant one can be- if limited or trapped to existing (and pre-existing) rationale and narratives. No plagiarism here- Foundation # 1 of Socratic way of thinking (here we go again #greekfatweddingfactfinding) Foundation # 2- Socrates was a pain in the ...wondering around agora asking questions (think of something like that happening in our days). Questioning and challenging the existing way of being (personal, social, societal and ...institutional) should be a lifelong commitment. Believing that you think you know something is even more threatening (humanity have proven that over the last...thousands of years) Foundation # 3- peace, happiness and growth should be facilitated within and with structures and conditions that embrace autonomy, relatedness and competence (or Mastery and transcendence as per Csick and Maslo) (not-what told) Ryan and Deci Self Determination theory- where did you get your theories? ..what was the context, the root and the stimuli/us? Same with Beedy, Kohlberg Sternberg, Maslow, Csick et al...just saying/asking) Foundation # 4- Philosophy (pedagogical and political) can be more effective (or at least more humanistic) when guided (and grounded) on certain assumptions- (a) each individual has a unique potential (his/her potential) and should be embraced in the same way gynecologist deliver babies (Socratic meeftiki). Sometimes with smooth and painless birth- sometimes with loooong pain, sacrifices (note-maUknowwhatcametomymamindbytheway7monthsinbed?) and sometimes... without any support! Socratic questioning delivers new babies- but triggers and embraces re-generation, growth- but also pain and frustrations to many....(b) Get out of the cave kind of mindset (driven by light instead of shadows) should also be (and actually is- at least in theory) the ultimate purpose of education. Once you get a wifi with light- then the rest is almost- just get the connection and move one (psyc navigation self talk is needed to avoid crashes though) (c) Humor and eros- IS the drive of everything- without this attraction - yin will keep on talking to yins..yang would also be yannngingg without movement or progress. Progress, growth and evolution require tension, dissatisfaction from existing state of being (diagnostics and regeneration). Acknowledging this (positive with negative principle) with psychic/cosmic navigation - oestros as the GPS in life (and - turn around when possible- when you don't feel it) and with the be-the-crazy-one approach (Steve Jobs' moto) you can attract like-minded and crazy enough people (or re-establish old relationships with the "right oestrogonic mindset")- and then...let eros do the job (intense emotional and beyond attraction cosmic drive etc) Mythology can help us get other concepts as well (operationalized though in todays reality to make sense)--- sooooo you think what I write make sense to other people?...hope so,.where are we? ok..let's regroup *(disclosure- eros SHOULD not be misinterpreted or have to do anything with the pedofilia which is probably one of the most sick crimes of humanity..) Eros- as described (at least the way i perceived it) is the love the educator/mentor should have to his/her mentee - and the something needs to be in air kinddaaa think (pemptousia, kindaa magic or X factor)...(d) the equality kinda thing and foundation of creating new communities that are interdisciplinary and all inclusive is one more assumption (see Alborts Contact theory, more recent applications Pettigrew, Moghadam...and Lyras:-) Socrates was the crazy one (and the one with more wisdom see Oracle- but ok we can challenge that) was going around the elit (aristocrates) of Athens asking questions and delivering "new babies" the non-aristocratic did not have the luxury though to be around- since there were busy surviving, satisfying basic needs (Maslow) and doing other things (access and opportunity principle). So it might be something similar like going to kolonaki, voreia proasteia tis athinas and excluding children from other counties ... (disclosure- I am not a communist by the way...I strongly advocate and support Free market - Capitalism- the one that invest though both in- Human and Social Capital) (See holistic Economics redefined Human-Social- Societal-Financial-Natural). ok this is too long- what else? some clarity on this one-? later-...ok I move to another foundation since this a, b, c is getting tooooo long (will elaborate and fix this though at a later stage- during the reorganization stage for pubs) so - let's set a GOAL- Oestros, flow and Peak experience have this (setting clear goals) as one of the essential assumption/requirement for growth, self actualization and transcendence (same with organizational, inter-group and institutional). You can only become a great athlete (here we go with sports again) ...if you set goals and create conditions of low/high intensity (Balance between skills and challenge- Chicksent) since this is the pathway of Mastery/proficiency/transcendence. Setting goals in high intensity (and staying committed to mastery) can not be experienced in writing a book, or watching tv- but can at least- initially understood- through Askisi and it's metaphors (learning moments- plato's one hour of play). But askisi without context and GPS posited assumption- can lead to blindsided football players, cheerleaders and couch potatoes- (will elaborate later on this - music, performing arts- holistic development- bla bla) So- setting goal is Foundation # 5 - Disclosure: Setting goal does not mean the educator should be obsessed with the expectation that student will have clarity/focus on direction (or to know) what goals they want to achieve (many significant 40-50-70 year old pioneers I know of- are still in search of an exciting goals in life)- Setting Educational goal and defining steps and deliverables- is- and should be, a practice (askisi)- that will teach us how finding what you love (your passion) and follow that with commitment and determination is important in every endeavor (progress of humankind)- reminds me the "find what you love- and let it kill you" quote Ok we will close this once we reach "the 7 Foundations of...." this is very modern, trendy and a good new technologies practice ...(no idea where this is going) AMC (see and elaborate Lyras-2000, 2002, 2007) Ok Foundation # 6- love and hate have the same components- attributes and mechanism (Stern theory)- emotional- cognitive and behavioral (don't remember all the terms of the theory but it makes sense's been a while since I read it)- re-read it and reuse it in this context Foundation # 7 -.... it's not coming to me....maybe this should be the essence of this foundation. Life has cycles *(I guess), life cycle has different forms (see org change theory 2007/8pub) while I (and any other person) can create principles, best practices, foundations that are grounded in theory and evidence from the field- there should always be an open window for deconstructing everything- reconstructing and regenerating the new- and give space for the unknown....let go- without obsession. If something is meant to be- or if certain foundations are universal and constant in terms of value- time and space (*beyond mind and pre-existing perceptions/ knowledge/assumptions/interpretations) then the same principles will reoccur- the right time at the right place and in a more creative context. Fresh- new- exciting and oestrogonic..... PS woke up this morning and wanted to write something about the Cyprus conflict- respond to the current situation= momentum, limitations, threats and potential- but ...I could not resist though, the first and big eros/love . I guess the Cyprus problem will not be resolved until I write sometime about it...this can follow the next days (depending on muses and hermes availability) Hugs kai kalo mina! 4/28/2015 0 Comments unedited without a filter- with many typos without second reading!!!!!!! O(i)estros-Flow and Peak Experiencesthis is something I've been thinking about for almost a year- and something I've been doing in a different format for more than a decade- thoughts come to me in words, visions, pictures, emotions - non linear, with clarity and abstraction (at least to me). Such thoughts are often lost in translation or ...lost in space (guess- might be where they come from)
writing without thinking- often leads to expressions, realizations that are hard to be captured in structured- well thought and reflected sentences or statements. soooo what? This this unedited with typos session- I will try to stay committed for at least commitment or structure- let it flow.... scope? just expression- wherever it goes ok ..maybe p[ut all these pieces together and reorganize them in a meaningful way why- calling to my muses (open call - highspeed wifi preferred) keep it small- 30 minutes? like running- step at a time (get a life)_ no sport in this context...ok! small chunks of thinking- step at a time... ok theme? warming up with no theme is not a bad idea- and as you go through this just listen to what it comes. sooo Oistros- oistros (look it up on greek fat wedding fact finding) is a greek word and is related with fertility, creativity and ecstatic expressions (emotional, social, cognitive, spiritual....daahhh...physical) * see what happens if you get toooooo engaged with concepts and academic jargon? k why oistros- just got back from boston (loved it) ...(to the point?) yes- woke up one night 4-5 am and was soooo happy and excited that I finally found a greeeeekkk worrddd that capture an english term and definition (the other way round greek fat wedding here) sooo oistros is a word that can more accuretely capture the meaning of "peak experiences" (Malsow) , flow and optimal moments (ok with maslow now,,,get thiiiis right:-)...Csicksentmihiyali)- both concepts with significant theoretical foundations and implications in positivist and humanistic psychology (used by Lyras SFTD) really?...) as the main platforms and pathways of peacebuilding, engagement- community building, conflict transformation and - personal, social, communal transendnece (no orgies please) Malsow defined that peak experiences naturally high moments (no drugs, substances allowed) where the mankind feels totally connected with self- *getting too academic warning***** ok I'll stop... nope-go back to it... so peak experiences are emotional, phyisical and cognitive ecstatic moments (sometimes in low - sometimes high in intensity- frequency and ...outcome. Soooo what? Foundation 1 (getting linear?) nope---- so peak experiences are the sensors and the pathway of personal (social- societal etc...dont get tooo far) transcendence. (also see conditions and stages of transcendence) Foundation 2 Transcendence (got it right this time) is the pathway of human growth and evolution (personal, bla bla bla spiritual etc) ok might be important to define it to see if it makes sense...emotional, cognitive, physcical, personal, spiritual, intra- and inter-personal, intra and intergroup (growth and transcendence)- (...ok it makes sense- if we apply this in a peacebuulding and conflict transformation context)..(key words for reorganizing - memory recollection later on: Stern WIsdom theory= AMC-Lyras_Aristoteles virtues/ethics/happiness/eudemonia...and of course- there you gooooooo;-) sooooo while greeks are lost (or myself in my ignorance) centuries- ignoring the context of anapsihis and oistrou (personal and societal)- Oistros- has origins of happiness (eudaimonia) kai anapsihis (trancendence) - used by humanistic psychologists to conceptualize, explain and describe foundations for human development - and more importantly- utlize this context (mechanism, goals, structures and systems) for the advancement of Innovation (person-culture-society) see Stern-Csick System's approacH) what? Understanding oistros and the linkages between the meaning of this powerful word (Kosti thans for the word by the way:-),,,with modern literature and body of knowledge (social psychology and humanistic psyc) can potentially guide us (I am sure- I used potentially since I was puullllled by my academic "hat") foundations that can improve human conditions (happiness close to personal psychic and aligned with cosmic) systemic and systematic educational and societal reform that can embrace innovation, creativity and problem solving (expressed in investment in knowledge economy, entrepreneurship, innovation, renaissance, problem solving - which is the foundation of conflict transformation (if committed to this) (note: use this paragraph to elaborate on the implications bw theory building theory testing- Plato Vs Aristotle- ideas Vs actions- metaphysics Vs Epistimologia) tooo long (connect this with AMC, Finding your element- Plato's perfect society- titles-power Aristotle's perfect friendship) - educational setting and implications... ok I should stop- like marathon run practicing- stay short- and keep coming back...ok I got another one...(cant resist) oistros (peak experiences and flow) is connected with fertility (ideas, humans etc) feminine (need more of this and less of the obsessed girls/women only gendddderrrrr stuties movement) balanced with male (macho one--- its okkke with respect) generate ideas. Secondly- Oistros, as a concept ...forgot what I wanted to say...ok - muses might have a reason for going away- ...Makes more sense why global peace require the- essential (I guess) presence of more women that ARE feminine that are capable to deal with male (energy wise) and vise no more gender- girl only - and mislead feminine movements) ouch- did I say something politically incorrect ? (itss oke-) let's learn to balance yin-yang, male and feminine, positive with negative, conflict and its transformation ( I am sure this is not new knowledge- hermes (et al) talked about this thousands of years ago (there yiouuuu gooo) #greekfatweeddingfactfinding post it...will get back to it tomorrow- goal- synthesize all pieces in 2-3 months from now- try to reorganize and publish Disclaimer: if it does not make sense to you..its oke - will make more sense after we complete this project (next steps reminder_ AMC- flaws and threats of social innovation, peace and development frameworks- systemic approach- neuroscience and peak experience addiction for a purpose) Thank you!!!!!!! ![]() 2015 Annual Olympism4Humanity Boston Festival Olympism4Humanity Alliance is proud to announce four events during the 2015 Boston Marathon week as part of the 2015 Annual Olympism4Humanity Boston Festival. Our events include an annual Symposium, cultural events, food, live music, expo, steps of HOPE interactive workshops, sailing and Marathon outing. Sunday April 12th Greek Easter Feast 2015 Join the Hellenic Student Association of MIT for the annual Greek Easter Celebration! There will be delicious food, live music and dancing. Καλό Πάσχα!!!!!!! Where: MIT @ Sidney Pacific Courtyard (70 Pacific Street, Cambridge, MA 02139) Time: 1:00-5:00 pm Saturday April 18th Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium After our very successful and inspiring events in 2014, we aim to institutionalize an Annual Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium featuring a global panel reflecting on the Marathonism, Hellenism, Olympism and Stylianos Kyriakides as both an idea and a journey of a peaceful warrior. From Marathon to Athens, from Hopkinton to Boston; Pheidippides, Louis, Kelley, Kyriakides. Come and learn about Victory (or Nike), and the inspirations that derive from the epitome of all athletic struggles, the Marathon, which happens to be one of the most historic sport traditions in Boston. A panel of experts will offer a rich discussion around Marathonism, Hellenism, Olympism and Stylianos Kyriakides legacy- and how these concepts can serve as platform for hope, inspiration, innovation and humanity. Where: Harvard @10 Akron street (West), Cambridge, MA Time: Symposium @ 5-7 pm, Reception, Stylianos Kyriakides Legacy, Kyriakides HOPE and Expo @ 8pm For more information about the themes and the speakers of our Annual Symposium click here For information about our last year’s Symposium click here. Sunday April 19th Homer for Humanity Workshop and SailingGiven the current economic recession in Greece, Olympism4Humanity Alliance is initiating a venture called Hellenic Odyssey for Preservation and Enlightenment (HOPE). Our vision is to create a Pan-Hellenic global consortium that will serve as a social capital platform for promoting innovation, inspiration, civic engagement, cross-cultural dialogue, and social entrepreneurship. HOPE targets the resolution of local social challenges such as unemployment, antisocial behavior, bullying and aggression, academic/school drop out, inter-group intolerance, social isolation and disengagement. HOPE aims to recruit, inspire and support committed entrepreneurs with ongoing mentoring; cultural and educational exchange programs; heritage preservation initiatives; capacity building, civic engagement, and social entrepreneurship ventures. HOPE will provide unique opportunities to preserve and utilize the core Hellenic virtues and heritage in the modern world and to support, inspire and equip Hellenes and Philhellenes to become socially engaged individuals that embrace innovation, youth development and social transformation in their respective communities. Join us in making three steps of HOPE. Steps of HOPE: Hellenic Odyssey of Preservation and Enlightenment Where: MIT @ Stata Outdoor Amphitheater (building 32) Time: 1:30-5:00pm Math of HOPE Memory + Inspiration + Collective Action = Innovation + Social Change HOPE Step 1 @1:3o pm: Lecture by a recent Harvard PhD (2015) in Comparative Literature, Dr. Guy Smoot will analyze Ancient Greek heroes, aspects of chariot racing in Homer’s Iliad and what could arguably be the earliest allusion ever in Greek literature to the creation of the Olympic Games in the 8th century B.C.E. HOPE Step 2 @2:30 pm: Workshop on HOPE virtues, inspirations and applications in the modern world HOPE Step 3 @3:3o pm: Odyssey and sailing with winds of HOPE Monday April 20thBoston Marathon OutingWe will be offering an outing to the finish line of the marathon, on Monday, April 20 (Patriots Day), departing from 10 Akron at 10am. We plan to use hubway bikes and/or the T as needed. Please check the security recommendations from the Boston Athletic Association here. Click here to RSVP Contact info Psimopoulos, Constantine [email protected] Click here to download our 2015 Annual O4H Boston Festival press release Click here for more information about our summer plans of HOPE! More Summer Programs coming up!!!!!!! Copyright 2012-2015, Olympism4Humanity- All rights reserved. Background informationAt a time when nations are challenged by failing economies, troubling security concerns, diminishing natural resources, formidable social problems, and strained intergroup relations, we are compelled to find new sources of inspiration to lift our spirits, call us to greatness, and move us to develop innovative solutions that will shape a better world for coming generations.
Given the current economic recession in Greece, Olympism4Humanity Allianceis initiating a venture called Hellenic Odyssey for Preservation and Enlightenment (HOPE). Our vision is to create a Pan-Hellenic global consortium that will serve as a social capital platform for promoting innovation, inspiration, civic engagement, cross-cultural dialogue, and social entrepreneurship. HOPEtargets the resolution of local social challenges such as unemployment, antisocial behavior, bullying and aggression, academic/school drop out, inter-group intolerance, social isolation and disengagement. HOPE aims to recruit, inspire and support committed entrepreneurs with ongoing mentoring; cultural and educational exchange programs; heritage preservation initiatives; capacity building, civic engagement, and social entrepreneurship ventures. HOPE will provide unique opportunities to preserve and utilize the core Hellenic virtues and heritage in the modern world and to support, inspire and equip Hellenes and Philhellenes to become socially engaged individuals that embrace innovation, youth development and social transformation in their respective communities. The ultimate goal of this project is to create the conditions and supporting mechanisms for social innovation and entrepreneurship, inspired by (a) Marathon, Athenian, Olympian and Macedonian virtues and ideals, (b) Alexander the Great, Socrates, Aristotle and Ancient Hellenic legacy, (c) history and practices of athletic, educational and cultural diplomacy, and (f) global citizenship, civic engagement and democratic governance heritage. HOPE Inspirations, Foundations & Virtues
First Steps of HOPEClick here and follow steps and winds of Hope! Click here for more information about our summer steps of HOPE, a month long summer program to be implemented in Greece in Summer 2015! Click here to download the HOPE Summer Program e-brochure. ![]() Olympism for Humanity AllianceAfter our very successful programs in 2013 & 2014, the International Olympic Academy and the Olympism for Humanity (O4H) Alliance are proud to announce two upcoming events. The 2015 O4H Praxis Summer Program and the2015 O4H Summit to be held in Marathon and Ancient Olympia, Greece from June 25-July 5, 2015. Click here to find more information about our Annual O4H Praxis Summer Program. The 2015 O4H Praxis Summer Program e-brochure can be found here. Click here to find more information about our Annual O4H Summit. The 2015 O4H Summit e-brochure can be found here. We are also excited to announce the inauguration of a new initiative called Hellenic Odyssey for Preservation and Enlightenment (HOPE). Click here to find more information about HOPE. Join O4H Alliance!!! Be part of history- make your first steps towards your O4H legacy and light up your O4H Humanitarian torch with winds of HOPE bysubmitting your application here. This picture captures the “stoa”, the gate through which athletes use to enter the Ancient Olympia Stadium. Build your humanitarian legacy and light your O4H “torch” at the birthplace of the Olympic spirit. Who we are: O4H Alliance is a global humanitarian consortium of world leading actors with expertise in applying Olympism to address local and global challenges. Our vision:Our vision is to explore and enhance the contribution of Olympism to humanity. What we do:O4H Alliance is a global venture that provides individuals and organizations the inspiration, education, tools and support to create their own purpose-driven humanitarian venture using sport, education and culture (Olympism) for social change and human welfare. Our focus and what guides our mission:O4H Alliance seeks to explore and enhance the contribution of Olympism to humanity through humanitarian action, capacity building, academic engagement and youth-led social entrepreneurship. O4H Alliance aims to contribute to ongoing efforts of combating global challenges by: (a) mobilizing and engaging youth in humanitarian actions (b) strengthening inter-agency partnerships, collaborations and training opportunities related to prevention, resilience, humanitarian action and purpose-driven civic engagement (c) utilizing state of the art technological platforms in delivering and disseminating systematic and integrated field-based scholarship, research, mentoring, capacity building and scientific knowledge. Action areas: Olympism for Humanity Praxis, Conflict Resolution, Global Health, Youth Engagement, Human Rights Education, International Development, Resilience, Prevention, Disability, Cognition and Learning, Social Entrepreneurship, Global Citizenship, Sport Industry Management, Human-Centered and Applied Olympism, Marathon and Sport Events Legacies Who we work with:NGO practitioners, Humanitarian actors, Academics, Researchers, Universities, Teachers of primary, secondary and tertiary education, Government /policy-makers, Corporations, High school and university students, Athletes and Coaches. Copyright 2012-2015, Olympism4Humanity- All rights reserved. 5/29/2014 0 Comments Are Cypriots walking in the footsteps of Heysel & Hillsborough? How about taking a short cut? It shouldn't take more than a decade...Random thoughts!
While I follow the recent football news in Cyprus I observe that same actors, "scripts" and same narratives are still there to remind me the reasons I've left my country. Today, almost fifteen years later, obsession to the same practices, ignorance, racism, primitive and segregating ideologies, "club-ism", violence, luck of progress and luck of personal or institutional commitment are still present!!! While I am grateful for having these reasons as the main drive for finding a new pathway and a different purpose in my life- I still- can not ignore or hide my frustration, disappointment and concern. Today, May 29, 2014- is the anniversary of one of the biggest tragedies of our modern sport history. While I was navigating in various resources, I came across excellent documentaries that can help us understand the duality of sport; complexities of sport and society; the relationship between politics, security, power and media. Heysel and Hillsborough also verify that the positive outcomes and the power of sport to transform conflict is not unconditional. Strong political will and determination, human and financial resources, evidence-based policies, systems, processes and practices need to be in place to ensure growth, reform and positive transformation of any type of conflict. If UK with the strong commitment, political will and determination from government, public servants and all engaged stakeholders have spent almost a decade to transform their "sport culture and systems"- how many years do Cypriots need to transform their existing landscape? How about taking actions now- today? How about taking actions without having a Cypriot version of Heysel or Hillsborough? Hopefully, actions will be taken without having to create similar documentaries. Cypriot public servants, government, political parties, sport and non-sport authorities "the ball is in your field". We definitely do not need another- after the fact investigation to understand "criminal" inactivity and malfunctions of a system we are all part of! 4/15/2014 0 Comments Run and fight for a cause, resilience and humanity: A strong message and response to the unfortunate events at the 2013 Boston Marathon.In the footsteps of Stylianos Kyriakides, Spyros Louis...Pheidipides- authentic warriors of light and resilience.
Running for a cause- Fighting for resilience- Nenikekamen, "we have wοn" against all odds Nenikikamen- Victory (Niki/Nike) over destiny and misfortune- a genuine source of inspiration These ingredients are universal and remain constant over time and space. These ingredients still remain the only way out of terror, fear and pain These values and ingredients are still needed for today's way out of adversity Thankfully- these ingredients still remain the only pathway towards a genuine, humanistic and philanthropic legacy Let the 2014 Boston Marathon be the first step of a new legacy- a legacy of light, resilience, and humanity |
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