Our past and the wealth of our history, is rich with narratives of war, hatred and division. The paradox of conflict - is that without it, one cannot comprehend the violent, barbaric, extremist, arrogant and egocentric nature of the mankind. Often times- the most humiliating, corrupted and inhumane moments of our history, have served as moments- springboards and foundations for new hopeful and humane beginnings. European Union was established on the same vision and principle. The United Nations and the peacebuilding movements were generated as a result and a reaction against such realizations. Realizations of human stupidity and capability of atrocities. Tomorrow- Turkish Cypriots are called to make a significant decision. Maybe the last chance of such a decision in our generation. A decision to either sustain separation and conflict- or the give a chance to the last window of opportunity towards a future that is detached from divisive politics and illusions of our past. Greek Cypriots will soon have to face the same dilemma My hope? The response to Famagusta's barbaric events and tomorrow elections become a milestone of a new, hopeful beginning. Away from chauvinist narratives that sustain division and feed real estate laundering, corruption and separation politics across Cyprus. I am optimist in nature- and place all my wishes for a future that is build on Humanity and our potential. Without being ignorant- but with strong memories of our past. I hope tomorrow will be a milestone of a new beginning- and wish to host all CY peacebuilding forces in Japan- during the 2020ne Games- for new beginnings. Start from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukishima and back to Tsukuba- to reflect- introspect and plan for the next the steps. The vision we deserve... So will tomorrow be a window of opportunity....or κάτσε γάρε ψόφα? An opportunity to transform Cyprus as a hub of hope- peacebuilding and prosperity vs the opposite. LA 10-10-2020
2/23/2020 1 Comment Off-Road to Tokyo-Paris-and- LA28: Olympic Lala Land, Realities and Opportunities![]() HUMANITY RESTORATION GAMES: A 2020 VENTURE WITH A 2030 VISION Inspired and guided by the richness of the Olympian and Japanese heritage, we have established a number of ventures and a global outreach action plan as a platform for global engagement throughout the forthcoming Olympic year.The most recent initiative, Humanity Restoration Games, a 2020 venture with 2030 vision, aims to connect Tokyo 2020, Paris 2024 and 2028 Los Angeles Games (with past and future Olympiads) to advance a worldwide humanitarian academic ecosystem committed in institutionalizing Olympism for Humanity in Action teaching, research and programming across the globe. 2020 GAMES LIGHTING CEREMONY The inauguration of this venture will take place in Ancient Olympia during the 2020 Games Lighting ceremony and will include a yearlong World HOPE Relay, as well as Olympism in Action Programming and Symposia in Japan throughout the Olympic year 2020 and beyond. HOPE stands for Heritage Odyssey for Preservation & Enlightenment. HOPE aims to restore Olympian Heritage and Wealth that was lost in time- and translation- as a platform for youth engagement and 21st Century Olympism in Action champions of change, democracy actualization and humanity regeneration. 2020 World HOPE Relay The first step of this initiative will be the implementation of Olympism for Humanity Heritage Preservation Program, a ten-day-long training session (HOPE & Praxis) in Greece in March 2020 with selected students key stakeholders who work with underserved youth, refugees and in regions with a long history of conflict. The 2020 World HOPE Relay will take place in Ancient Olympia, Delphi, Macedonia and Athens during the Tokyo Games Lighting Ceremony during March 10-22, 2020. This learning experience will be led by international MA students from Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies, a Tokyo 2020 Academic Legacy project- with ongoing mentoring and academic support throughout their learning odyssey- and with further support from Olympism for Humanity Allies in Greece and across the globe. The upcoming O4H HOPE and Praxis Program will provide training for educators, community representatives, professors and students in order to implement year-long educational interventions in their respective communities. Stay tuned for updates and engagement opportunities. Step 1: HOPE and Olympism in Action Program in Ancient Olympia, Delphi, Dion, Vergina, Pella, Thessaloniki & Athens (March 2020) Step 2: 2020 World HOPE Relay, Praxis and Symposia (April-December 2020) Step 3: Olympism in Action Program: O4H Praxis and O4H Summit in Greece (July 2021) HOPE Inspirations, Foundations & Virtues...Lost in Time & Translation
2020 Steps with a 2030 Vision The 2030 Vision is to establish an Olympism for Humanity (in Action) global network committed in the advancement of humanitarian and sustainable development enterprises across continents. The upcoming Games in Tokyo 2020, Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 will serve as a platform for a long-term vision— connected to existing global challenges- humanitarian needs and the 2030 UN SDGs. The goal is to establish Humanity Innovation incubators across the globe, fully engaged in year-long impact investment ventures by 2030 (e.g. USA and Japan in 2020; Greece, France, India, Guatemala, Cyprus, Rwanda and Tanzania in 2021, and expected in Colombia, Brazil, Botswana and Senegal by 2022). Through this initiative we will pursue the following seven (7) Humanity Restoration Goals: Goal #1: Engage, Train and Mentor- Humanity Champions of Change with 21st Century Olympism in Action Skills and Competencies Goal #2: Establish O4HA Youth Training Camps/Incubators across the globe with National and Regional Programs Goal #3: Create a Virtual O4HA e-Heritage and Resource Center (O4HA E-platform) as operations mechanism for ongoing mentoring Heritage Preservation (HOPE) and e-learning opportunities Goal #4: Establish Humanity in Action Institute & Certification system (O4H Praxis) to Strengthen the role of academia with O4HA fieldwork and applied knowledge production Goal #5: Establish Humanity Investment Regional centers across continents committed in institutionalizing O4HA Teaching, Research & Service Goal #6: Establish O4HA Youth Training Camps/Incubators across the globe with National and Regional Programs Goal #7: Produce applied knowledge through O4HA Book series and publications Copyright © Alexis Lyras, PhD February, 2020 ![]() The last time I've tried to write something...close to poetic- was in elementary school- few centuries ago. Disclosure: Trying again- in 2020- does not make me a poet- I am just catching up with my elementary school gaps. 2020 World HOPE lights our way Olympia Lyronea of the day: My Lala Land! Life is full of battles. Battles of different bodies- and different minds- Battles of darkness- battles of light across all cultures and across all lands. Across Civilizations across all Hearts. Beyond- the bodies- beyond the ONE. (NOTE: please add some acccentTTT here...) Looking back- I catch my mind, to often travel across my time- I see my battles- across lands- beyond restrictions of certain a “land”- And all in one body but with different mind. With all mind and body driven- towards the light Towards my Cosmos- across space and across time So- when I see my battles, across lands- Instead of lakes and restrained lands- I catch myself leaning towards to LalaLands- across the Oceans and across all lands- In a Cosmos – where all mindandbody become as ONE, yet- still together- with same body but with different mind. And as I further explore my Cosmos across time- and cross the borders of mind and sky The ONE Cosmos is in my mind- and always guiding, my secret land- Across the Oceans and cross all lands- And when I travel- across all lands- I see the wisdom that leads to ONE- The land of wisdom that leans all minds Beyond your wisdom- and beyond mine. The land where wisdom- Transcend with light The ONE- where body can heal all minds- and still- the unreal- is already ONE- Within our bodies within our mind. So- instead of countrysides, lakes- and small lands- Don't choose the battles that block your mind And fight all battles with all your heart- and any barrier- that shadows light and share this pathway across all Lands to all the pathways that leads to ONE And seek for wisdom across lakes and lands And learn the pathway- that leads to light Travel the Oceans- and across all lands- to find the answers- that lead to one beyond your wisdom and beyond mine. Where light and wisdom unite as ONE Across the Oceans and across all lands And as the Games will bring the Light The Games of HOPE will light this Land across all Cosmos- with all our minds expand our senses- beyond our minds – where mind and body- can lean to ONE The space where mindnbody expands as one And join our efforts- across all lands and fight as ONE In the land of the rising sun To unite our Cosmos- across all lands And expand our Cosmos- both yours and-surely- mine (It sounds better if you read this with a Southernnnn AccentTTT) Thank you, Universe, InstagramING January-29-2020 #γειασουμαμμα #2020FlameInspirations #TokyoFlame #Hopelightsyourway #etphonehome #Lyronea #roadtotokyo2020 #wolrdhope #O4HVision #olympiadō道 #2020 #2030vision #plato #aristotle #socrates #o4hpraxis 2020 is finally here. The beginning of a new year. New decade, new beginnings and new (old) resolutions.
Blogging was never my strength- but a good friend and colleague keeps bugging me on this matter (since 2012). So, Craig, this is our 8th Bugging Year Anniversary without delivering- so I will at least give it a try. This is my first 2020 (Olympic) Year resolution- and wish to start this year/decade with a public commitment to blogggggginngggK (with accent)- at least once a week. The goal- and strong drive- is to show commitment in putting on a piece of paper, expressions, thoughts, inspirations, frustrations, visions- on academic and non-academic topics (WITH typos) . My challenge, is to put- no more than 500 words on a piece of paper (worddoc paper to be precise)- as per the guidelines given by Dr. Craig Zelizer and PCDN (by the way- if you are reading this – you should also check out their great new website and amazing work they do across the globe)- everything should start with a definition. So question #1. What is blogging. Based on Craigian Wisdom “ There is no standard length for a blog, but in general a good blog will be longer than a Tweet (140 characters) and many experts suggest shorter than 500 words (but of course this varies widely according to the audience and content). (Craig Zelizerian wisdom, 2019 – and don't forget to login and subscribe) Remove every challenge that can be an obstacle for keeping this committed- so blogging should not take more than 27 minutes. (what do you think Craig? What does your wisdom say about time) Talking about time- the goal is to …“block, blogging time - and space- in artistic- out of the box writing. Definition #2. What is Lyroneia? Lyronea is lyroneia/ ΛΥΡΟνεια refined- ειρωνια Λυρικής Προελεύσεως)- Soooo: for the non-greek speakers, Lyronea is a concept I got from my muses few years ago- and I thought about revising it- to give more meaning and dimensions to the worddd- (Lyras is my last name by the way) not Lairas- nor Liras. The first is bad pronunciation. The second- is a currency- (bir lira- Μιά Λίρα- ΕΝΤ ιφ γιου καν νοτ προναουνς Ιτ– το μυαλό σου και μια Λίρα – Thanks for reminding me the expression my dear ΝΥfriend ). Concentrate: Lyra (Apollo's, and Muses music instrument Note to elaborate another day) The type of writing will have multiple dimensions free falling of creative writing shots of espresso- in other words- small in size but strong in richness. So- what does Olympia Lyronea stands for? For the moment- there are three dimensions (we can add more later on). The first- refers to a safe space for writing and expression of anything that comes to my mind without filter. Olympia refers to content- as well as process- Inspirations from Olympia (the mountain at the backgrounddd picture) (in greek- τεηκ a ΛούΚ behind δισ τεξτ). THANK YOU for the picture, Randeep sensei) – as well as the Olympian Heritage …most famous mountain by the way (make a note and underline to write more about it in future bloggingggzzz) TIAS students will soon be there (2020 Flame ceremony study trip student requirement #1: like and share if you are reading this) Lyronea- in GreekKKK (with or without accent) sounds like LyroNews. News updates and throughs I wish to share with my colleagues, friends and students. Lyroneia (with greekglish typo) has another Rooot. It seeks to blend news, inspirations, creative, out of the box writing- in search of- and for reaching closer to ….the truth- real and ideal. My road to Olympia in other words- with a 2020 pit stop road to Tokyo and Fuji Mountain (#roadtotokyo #roadtoFuji #ViaOlympiaroundabout) Eironeia – Irony (Ειρωνεία) (anoooother Greeek Fat wedding wooord) in the context of Socratic Irony and Tragic Irony (more words that lost their meaning in translation). If we exclude the words I used from another source (copy-paste from PCDN)- we are good to go. Reached the goal 591 2020 Olympia Lyronea 1.1 (first blog, first mont of year) 7/7/2017 0 Comments SAIL ...at a time |
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