Selected presentations
Lyras, A. (March, 2017): Chaired and moderated a panel of world leading sport for development and peace scholars. Panelists: Kathy Babiak, Lyndsey Hayhurst, Jennifer McGarry, Nico Schulenkorf, Emma Sherry, John Sugden, Jon Welty Peachey. International Sport for Peace and Development Conference: Forming Partnerships and Linkages in Sport for Development and Peace. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA .
Lyras, A. (March, 2017). Sport for Development and Peace: Partnerships with professional/corporate sport sector. International Sport for Peace and Development Conference: Forming Partnerships and Linkages in Sport for Development and Peace. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Hellenic and Japanese Heritage in the Modern Olympic Restoration Movement. Invited Speech by the Modern Greek Studies Program, Department of Classics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Olympic Values, Dual Athlete Careers and Social Responsibility. Coaching Methodologies and Applied Olympism Conference. Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports. Patiala, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Physical Education, Olympic Values and Social Innovation. Olympism for Humanity Praxis: The Indian Project. Panjab University. Panjab, India
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Applied Olympism in Society. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Delhi, India
Lyras, A., Kumar, P., Gupta, B. (February, 2017). Applied Olympism for Humanity and Sustainable Programming. Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise International Conference. Pannel Discussion. . Manav Rachna International University. Delhi, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017) Olympism for Humanity and Sustainable Academic Innovation Legacies: Global Vision and Strategy. Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise International Conference. Manav Rachna International University. Delhi, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017): Shared Vision and Cooperation on Applied Olympic Education and Research: University of Tsukuba and MRIU – India and Japan. In: INDO JAPANESE CONCLAVE III, “Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise: Academic Legacy Goals, Scope and Foundation-Towards Tokyo 2020”, Manav Rachna International University (India) in association with University of Tsukuba (Japan), February 13th to 14th, 2017, Faridabad, India. (Invited Talk)
Lyras, A. (September, 2016). Applied Olympic Education and Student Engagement. Brazilian Olympism for Humanity Praxis Symposium on Restoration and Entrepreneurship. The University Anhembi-Morumbi, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Lyras, A. (May, 2016) Human-centered Olympiad Ecology: Building a Sustainable Society. Keynote paper presentation at the 13th Joint international session for presidents and directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees, Ancient Olympia, Greece, May 7-14, 2016.
Lyras, A. (June, 2015). Olympism Foundations, Vision and Collective Wisdom. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Summit, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece, June 25- July 5, 2015.
Lyras, A. (April, 2015). Olympism for Humanity bridges across time and space. Keynote presentation at the Annual Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium, Harvard University, Boston, USA, April 18, 2015.
Lyras, A. (June, 2014). Olympism for Humanity inspirations and bridges across disciplines and local challenges. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Praxis Summer Program, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece, June 28- July 8, 2014.
Lyras, A. (June, 2014). Olympism for Humanity foundations: Linkages between Ancient Olympia and Marathon’s heritage. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Summit, Marathon, Greece, June 28- July 8, 2014.
Lyras, A. (April, 2014). Ancient Marathon, Boston Marathon, History, Present and Future. Keynote presentation at the Annual Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium, Harvard University, Boston, USA, April 22, 2014.
Lyras, A. (January, 2014). Olympism For Humanity: Steps Towards the Integration of Pierre De Coubertin´s Vision with Human-Centered Synergies and Applied Scholarship. Paper presented at the Pierre De Coubertin Committee’s Symposium. The Olympic Museum, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 24-25, 2014.
Lyras, A. (October, 2013). Olympism4Humanity: An Intersection Between Olympic Ideals, Conflict Resolution, Global Health and Development Theory and Praxis. Invited Speaker at the Yale McMillan Center, co-sponsored event with Yale Center for Analytical Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, October 28, 2013.
Lyras, A. (June, 2013). Olympism for Humanity in practice. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Praxis Summer Program, International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece, June 23- July 3, 2013.
Lyras, A. (May 2013) Olympism for Humanity: Restoring and reconstructing the essence of Ancient Olympia’s Legacy. Keynote presentation at the International Olympic Academy’s 12th International Session for Directors of National Academies, May 12th -19th, 2013.
Lyras, A., (September, 2012). Sport and peaceful coexistence: To become a trainer in peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution through the values and practice of sports. Keynote panelist at the V International Conflictology and Peace Conference, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A. (May, 2012). Exploring the initial motivations of individuals to volunteer with a sport-for-homeless initiative. Oral presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management annual conference, Seattle, Washington.
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A., Cohen, A. (March, 2012). Advancing long-term sport-for-development monitoring and evaluation strategies: Integrating theory, research and practice. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, Massachusetts.
Lyras, A., (November, 2011). Reviving Ancient Olympia’s Spirit: SFD Partnerships, Governance and Next Steps. Keynote presentation at the Next Steps Conferences, Trinidad and Tobago.
Lyras, A. (November, 2011). Theory to Practice in Sport for Development. Keynote panelist at the Sport and the Global South international conference. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Lyras, A. (May, 2011). Olympism, Peace and Development: A Call for Action. International Session for Educators and Officials of Higher Institutes of Physical Education. International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Borland, J., Can, L., Cohen, A. (June, 2011). Sport for social change: Using a case study analysis to advance sport-for- development theory and assessment strategies. Paper presented for a symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, London, Ontario.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Mafukidze, J., Svensson, P. G., Psutka, C., Bernstein, G., & Psimopoulus, C. (November, 2011). Navigating towards an integrated and inclusive SFD stakeholders engagement. Workshop at the Next Step Sport for Development Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Borland, J., Cann, L., Cohen, A. (June, 2011). Sport for Social Change: Using a Case Study Analysis to Advance Sport-For-Development Theory and Assessment Strategies. Symposium presented at the 2011 North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, London, Ontario, CA.
Lyras, A. (June, 2010). Measuring Success: Sport for Development and Peace Monitoring and Evaluation. Keynote presentation at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Lyras, A, , Cohen, A., Payne, E., Eaton, M., & Greg. E. (June, 2010). Sport for Development Independent Study: A Case Study of Intersected Service, Teaching and Research. Paper presented at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A., Borland, J., Hancock, M. & Cohen, A. (June, 2010).Sport for social change: A Methodological Proposition for Assessing the Impact of Street Soccer USA on Effecting Positive Life Changes Among the Homeless. Paper presented at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Hums, M., Lyras, A. & Hancock, M. (May, 2010). Tools for Teaching about Sport for Development and Peace in the Sport Management Classroom. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, USA.
Hancock, M., Lyras, A., Ha, J. (2010). Global Assessment of Sport for Development Programs for Girls and Women. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, May 2010.
Lyras, A., Wollf, E., Hancock, M. & Selvaraju, U. (November, 2009). Sport for Development Global Initiative. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa, Canada.
Hums, M., Lyras, A., & Hancock, M. (November, 2009). The Ashoka Foundation’s Sport for a Better World: Sport for Development and Peace in Action. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa, Canada.
Lyras, A. (September, 2009). Sport for Peace and Development Theory. Paper shortlisted for a research award by the European Association for Sport Management. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Hums, M.A., Moorman, A.M., Wolff, E.A., Morris, A., & Lyras, A. (September, 2009). Monitoring human rights in sport: How a human rights in sport checklist can assist with best practices. Presented at the annual conference of the European Association for Sport Management, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lyras, A., Tokuyama, S., Haan, J.Y, (May, 2009). Sport for peace and development: Case analysis of governing sport for peace practices in Japan and Korea. Paper submitted for presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, USA.
Lyras, A. & Yiannakis, A. (November, 2008). Characteristics and psycho-social impacts of an inter-ethnic educational sport initiative on Greek and Turkish Cypriot youth. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Denver, CO, USA.
Lyras, A. & Kotziamani, E., (October, 2008). Olympism for peace and development: A case study analysis of an inter-ethnic community based initiative. The Sixth International Peace Conference. Kyoto & Hiroshima, Japan.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Hums, M. & Wolf, E. (May, 2008). Olympism and Social Change: From Theory into Practice and from Practice Back to Theory. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Hums, M., Lyras, A., Hamakawa, C., Wolf, E. & Welty Peachey, J.(May, 2008). The Olympic Movement and social responsibility: Organizational best practices which can bring about social change. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Lyras, A., Kotziamani, E, Votsis, E., Polyviou, P., Loizou, C., & Ceylan, G. (May, 2008).Youth Sport, Olympism and Active Citizenship. Paper presented at the International Childhood and Youth Research Network Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Brown, W. S., Lyras, A., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M., Poliviou, P., Kotziamani, Niv-Solomon, E., Lima, C., Janik, L., Gehlback & Maneggia, D. (March, 2008). Problem-solving, decision making and negotiations in an interdisciplinary environment: The 2007 Doves Global Education Project. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, NY, USA.
Lyras, A. (May, 2007). Social Responsibility in Sport Management. A symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Lyras, A., Yiannakis, A., Kartakoullis, N., Kotziamani, E., & Loizou, C. (September, 2006). Doves Olympic Movement: Organizational issues and psychosocial impact of a sport and cultural enrichment program on Cypriot youth. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Alexandrou, K., Emiroglou, O., Lyras, A. & Peachy, J. (September, 2006). Doves Olympic Movement and World Scholar Athlete Games: Forces of Positive Social Change. Presented at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Yiannakis, A., Gibson, H., Kartakoullis, N., Douvis, J. & Lyras, A. (September, 2006).Cyprus and Sport Tourism: Theoretical and Applied Considerations. Keynote presentation at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Lyras, A., Yiannakis, A., Kartakoullis, N., & Loizou. C. (September, 2005). Sports as a Medium for Personal and Social Change. Paper Presented at the 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Newcastle, England.
Lyras, A. (September, 2005). A global investigation of basketball coaches’ profession: Initial findings and future orientations. Paper presented at the 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Newcastle, England.
Lyras, A., Brown S.W. & Radovic, Z. (October, 2004). Educational issues in coaching: A global investigation of basketball coaches’ profession. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association in New York, USA.
Yiannakis A., Kane G., Han J.Y. & Lyras A. (August, 2004). Effects of physical activity on mood: A field experimental investigation. Paper presented at the Pre-Olympic Scientific Conference, Thessalonica, Greece.
Lyras, Α. (May, 2002). Η αναγκαιότητα δημιουργίας μοντέλου αξιολόγησης και Ευρωπαϊκής οδηγίας σύγκλισης σε θέματα προπονητικής εκπαίδευσης και διακίνησης. [The necessity for the development of an evaluation and convocation system in the European Union]. Paper presented at the National Congress of the Cyprus Association of Basketball Coaches, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Lyras, A. (March, 2017). Sport for Development and Peace: Partnerships with professional/corporate sport sector. International Sport for Peace and Development Conference: Forming Partnerships and Linkages in Sport for Development and Peace. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Hellenic and Japanese Heritage in the Modern Olympic Restoration Movement. Invited Speech by the Modern Greek Studies Program, Department of Classics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Olympic Values, Dual Athlete Careers and Social Responsibility. Coaching Methodologies and Applied Olympism Conference. Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports. Patiala, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Physical Education, Olympic Values and Social Innovation. Olympism for Humanity Praxis: The Indian Project. Panjab University. Panjab, India
Lyras, A. (February, 2017). Applied Olympism in Society. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Delhi, India
Lyras, A., Kumar, P., Gupta, B. (February, 2017). Applied Olympism for Humanity and Sustainable Programming. Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise International Conference. Pannel Discussion. . Manav Rachna International University. Delhi, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017) Olympism for Humanity and Sustainable Academic Innovation Legacies: Global Vision and Strategy. Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise International Conference. Manav Rachna International University. Delhi, India.
Lyras, A. (February, 2017): Shared Vision and Cooperation on Applied Olympic Education and Research: University of Tsukuba and MRIU – India and Japan. In: INDO JAPANESE CONCLAVE III, “Olympism for Humanity Restoration Enterprise: Academic Legacy Goals, Scope and Foundation-Towards Tokyo 2020”, Manav Rachna International University (India) in association with University of Tsukuba (Japan), February 13th to 14th, 2017, Faridabad, India. (Invited Talk)
Lyras, A. (September, 2016). Applied Olympic Education and Student Engagement. Brazilian Olympism for Humanity Praxis Symposium on Restoration and Entrepreneurship. The University Anhembi-Morumbi, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Lyras, A. (May, 2016) Human-centered Olympiad Ecology: Building a Sustainable Society. Keynote paper presentation at the 13th Joint international session for presidents and directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees, Ancient Olympia, Greece, May 7-14, 2016.
Lyras, A. (June, 2015). Olympism Foundations, Vision and Collective Wisdom. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Summit, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece, June 25- July 5, 2015.
Lyras, A. (April, 2015). Olympism for Humanity bridges across time and space. Keynote presentation at the Annual Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium, Harvard University, Boston, USA, April 18, 2015.
Lyras, A. (June, 2014). Olympism for Humanity inspirations and bridges across disciplines and local challenges. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Praxis Summer Program, International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece, June 28- July 8, 2014.
Lyras, A. (June, 2014). Olympism for Humanity foundations: Linkages between Ancient Olympia and Marathon’s heritage. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Summit, Marathon, Greece, June 28- July 8, 2014.
Lyras, A. (April, 2014). Ancient Marathon, Boston Marathon, History, Present and Future. Keynote presentation at the Annual Ancient Marathon-Boston Marathon Symposium, Harvard University, Boston, USA, April 22, 2014.
Lyras, A. (January, 2014). Olympism For Humanity: Steps Towards the Integration of Pierre De Coubertin´s Vision with Human-Centered Synergies and Applied Scholarship. Paper presented at the Pierre De Coubertin Committee’s Symposium. The Olympic Museum, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 24-25, 2014.
Lyras, A. (October, 2013). Olympism4Humanity: An Intersection Between Olympic Ideals, Conflict Resolution, Global Health and Development Theory and Praxis. Invited Speaker at the Yale McMillan Center, co-sponsored event with Yale Center for Analytical Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, October 28, 2013.
Lyras, A. (June, 2013). Olympism for Humanity in practice. Keynote presentation at the Olympism for Humanity Praxis Summer Program, International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece, June 23- July 3, 2013.
Lyras, A. (May 2013) Olympism for Humanity: Restoring and reconstructing the essence of Ancient Olympia’s Legacy. Keynote presentation at the International Olympic Academy’s 12th International Session for Directors of National Academies, May 12th -19th, 2013.
Lyras, A., (September, 2012). Sport and peaceful coexistence: To become a trainer in peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution through the values and practice of sports. Keynote panelist at the V International Conflictology and Peace Conference, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A. (May, 2012). Exploring the initial motivations of individuals to volunteer with a sport-for-homeless initiative. Oral presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management annual conference, Seattle, Washington.
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A., Cohen, A. (March, 2012). Advancing long-term sport-for-development monitoring and evaluation strategies: Integrating theory, research and practice. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, Massachusetts.
Lyras, A., (November, 2011). Reviving Ancient Olympia’s Spirit: SFD Partnerships, Governance and Next Steps. Keynote presentation at the Next Steps Conferences, Trinidad and Tobago.
Lyras, A. (November, 2011). Theory to Practice in Sport for Development. Keynote panelist at the Sport and the Global South international conference. Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Lyras, A. (May, 2011). Olympism, Peace and Development: A Call for Action. International Session for Educators and Officials of Higher Institutes of Physical Education. International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Borland, J., Can, L., Cohen, A. (June, 2011). Sport for social change: Using a case study analysis to advance sport-for- development theory and assessment strategies. Paper presented for a symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, London, Ontario.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Mafukidze, J., Svensson, P. G., Psutka, C., Bernstein, G., & Psimopoulus, C. (November, 2011). Navigating towards an integrated and inclusive SFD stakeholders engagement. Workshop at the Next Step Sport for Development Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Borland, J., Cann, L., Cohen, A. (June, 2011). Sport for Social Change: Using a Case Study Analysis to Advance Sport-For-Development Theory and Assessment Strategies. Symposium presented at the 2011 North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, London, Ontario, CA.
Lyras, A. (June, 2010). Measuring Success: Sport for Development and Peace Monitoring and Evaluation. Keynote presentation at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Lyras, A, , Cohen, A., Payne, E., Eaton, M., & Greg. E. (June, 2010). Sport for Development Independent Study: A Case Study of Intersected Service, Teaching and Research. Paper presented at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A., Borland, J., Hancock, M. & Cohen, A. (June, 2010).Sport for social change: A Methodological Proposition for Assessing the Impact of Street Soccer USA on Effecting Positive Life Changes Among the Homeless. Paper presented at the Power of Sport Summit, International Association of Sport for Development and Peace, Boston, MA, USA.
Hums, M., Lyras, A. & Hancock, M. (May, 2010). Tools for Teaching about Sport for Development and Peace in the Sport Management Classroom. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, USA.
Hancock, M., Lyras, A., Ha, J. (2010). Global Assessment of Sport for Development Programs for Girls and Women. Paper to be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, May 2010.
Lyras, A., Wollf, E., Hancock, M. & Selvaraju, U. (November, 2009). Sport for Development Global Initiative. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa, Canada.
Hums, M., Lyras, A., & Hancock, M. (November, 2009). The Ashoka Foundation’s Sport for a Better World: Sport for Development and Peace in Action. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa, Canada.
Lyras, A. (September, 2009). Sport for Peace and Development Theory. Paper shortlisted for a research award by the European Association for Sport Management. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Hums, M.A., Moorman, A.M., Wolff, E.A., Morris, A., & Lyras, A. (September, 2009). Monitoring human rights in sport: How a human rights in sport checklist can assist with best practices. Presented at the annual conference of the European Association for Sport Management, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lyras, A., Tokuyama, S., Haan, J.Y, (May, 2009). Sport for peace and development: Case analysis of governing sport for peace practices in Japan and Korea. Paper submitted for presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, USA.
Lyras, A. & Yiannakis, A. (November, 2008). Characteristics and psycho-social impacts of an inter-ethnic educational sport initiative on Greek and Turkish Cypriot youth. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Denver, CO, USA.
Lyras, A. & Kotziamani, E., (October, 2008). Olympism for peace and development: A case study analysis of an inter-ethnic community based initiative. The Sixth International Peace Conference. Kyoto & Hiroshima, Japan.
Lyras, A., Welty Peachey, J., Hums, M. & Wolf, E. (May, 2008). Olympism and Social Change: From Theory into Practice and from Practice Back to Theory. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Hums, M., Lyras, A., Hamakawa, C., Wolf, E. & Welty Peachey, J.(May, 2008). The Olympic Movement and social responsibility: Organizational best practices which can bring about social change. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Lyras, A., Kotziamani, E, Votsis, E., Polyviou, P., Loizou, C., & Ceylan, G. (May, 2008).Youth Sport, Olympism and Active Citizenship. Paper presented at the International Childhood and Youth Research Network Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Brown, W. S., Lyras, A., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M., Poliviou, P., Kotziamani, Niv-Solomon, E., Lima, C., Janik, L., Gehlback & Maneggia, D. (March, 2008). Problem-solving, decision making and negotiations in an interdisciplinary environment: The 2007 Doves Global Education Project. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, NY, USA.
Lyras, A. (May, 2007). Social Responsibility in Sport Management. A symposium at the North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Lyras, A., Yiannakis, A., Kartakoullis, N., Kotziamani, E., & Loizou, C. (September, 2006). Doves Olympic Movement: Organizational issues and psychosocial impact of a sport and cultural enrichment program on Cypriot youth. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Alexandrou, K., Emiroglou, O., Lyras, A. & Peachy, J. (September, 2006). Doves Olympic Movement and World Scholar Athlete Games: Forces of Positive Social Change. Presented at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Yiannakis, A., Gibson, H., Kartakoullis, N., Douvis, J. & Lyras, A. (September, 2006).Cyprus and Sport Tourism: Theoretical and Applied Considerations. Keynote presentation at the 14th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Lyras, A., Yiannakis, A., Kartakoullis, N., & Loizou. C. (September, 2005). Sports as a Medium for Personal and Social Change. Paper Presented at the 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Newcastle, England.
Lyras, A. (September, 2005). A global investigation of basketball coaches’ profession: Initial findings and future orientations. Paper presented at the 13th Congress of the European Association for Sport Management, Newcastle, England.
Lyras, A., Brown S.W. & Radovic, Z. (October, 2004). Educational issues in coaching: A global investigation of basketball coaches’ profession. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association in New York, USA.
Yiannakis A., Kane G., Han J.Y. & Lyras A. (August, 2004). Effects of physical activity on mood: A field experimental investigation. Paper presented at the Pre-Olympic Scientific Conference, Thessalonica, Greece.
Lyras, Α. (May, 2002). Η αναγκαιότητα δημιουργίας μοντέλου αξιολόγησης και Ευρωπαϊκής οδηγίας σύγκλισης σε θέματα προπονητικής εκπαίδευσης και διακίνησης. [The necessity for the development of an evaluation and convocation system in the European Union]. Paper presented at the National Congress of the Cyprus Association of Basketball Coaches, Nicosia, Cyprus.