Lyras, A. (in press, accepted on April 12, 2021). Olympism for Humanity Theory and Praxis: A Call for Peace and Democracy Champions of Change. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Lyras, A. (2020a). Olympism for Humanity in Action Theory: Bridging the Olympic Divide by Putting Ideals into Action - An Academic Call from the Past to Pave the Pathway for the Future. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 400-410.
Lyras, A. (2020b). Olympia’s Flame for Hope, Applied Olympism and Praxis: A Call for Academic Action. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 1.
Fritz, P. & Lyras, A. (2020). Promoting Sustainable Development through Olympism in Action: A Case Study Analysis of a weltwärts Youth Exchange Project between Germany and Botswana. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 1.
Ponciano Nuñez, P. D., & Lyras, A. (2018). Theory and Practice of Olympism in Society: A Case Study Analysis of Tiempo De Juego a Youth Development Foundation in Colombia. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 227-236.
Ponciano Nuñez, P. D., & Lyras, A. (2018). Basketball, Innovation and Change Agency: Historical Overview and Current Landscape. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 156-164.
Didier, S. & Lyras, A. (2018). Basketball for Change and Development: A Case Study of an International Basketball Foundation (IBF) Project in Rwanda. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 71-80.
Panha,S & Lyras, A. (2017) Context Analysis and Prospects of Apply Olympism for Humanity and Peacebuilding in Cambodia. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 2(1), 96-108.
Lyras, A. (2017) Human-centered Olympiad Ecology: Building a Sustainable Society. Proceedings of the keynote paper presentation at the 13th Joint international session for presidents and directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees, Ancient Olympia, May 7-14, 2016. International Olympic Academy, Greece
Lyras, A. & Welty Peachey, J. (2016). The Conception, Development, and Application of Sport-for-Development Theory. In “Routledge Handbook of Theory in Sport Management”. Eds: Cunningham, G., Fink, J. & Doherty, A., Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. p131-142.
Lyras, A. (2015) Olympism in the Service of Humanity: Olympism for Humanity Alliance’s bridges between theory and practice. The Official Journal of the International Olympic Academy. Vol. 8, pages 50-53.
Welty Peachy, J., Lyras, A.*, Cunningham, G., Cohen, A., Bruening, J. (2015). The influence of a sport-for-peace event on prejudice and change agent efficacy. Journal of Sport Management, Vol.29, p229-244 *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Bruening, J., Lyras, A.*, Cohen, A., & Cunningham, G. (2015). Examining social capital development among volunteers of a multinational sport-for-development event. Journal of Sport Management, Vol.29, pages 27-41. *(Principal Investigator: Equal contribution as first author)
Lyras, A. (in press) Olympism for Humanity: Restoring and reconstructing the essence of Ancient Olympia’s Legacy. Invited keynote paper to be published in the proceedings of the International Olympic Academy’s 12th International Session for Directors of National Academies, May 12th -19th, 2013 (to be translated and published in Greek, English, French and Spanish).
Lyras, A. (2014). Olympic education in practice: Educational components of a sport for peacebuilding intervention. In D. Chatziefstathiou, & M. Muller (Eds.), Olympism, Olympic education and learning legacies. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p245-259.
Welty Peachy, J., Cunningham, G., Lyras, A*, Cohen, A., & Bruening, J. (2014). Exploring the motivations of participants to take part in an elite, multinational, sport-for-development event. Event Management, Vol.18, pages 153-168. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A.*, Cohen, A., Bruening, J., & Cunningham, G. (2014). Exploring the Motives and retention factors of sport-for-development volunteers: The importance of values and relationships. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol.43(6) pages 1052-1069. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A.*, Borland, J., & Cohen, A. (2013). Street Soccer USA Cup: Preliminary Findings of a Sport-for-Homeless Intervention, The International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Journal of Research, v8 n1 p3-11. *(Principal Investigator: Equal contribution as first author)
Ha, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Sport for Refugee Youth in a New Society: The Role of Acculturation in SFDP Programming. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Vol. 35 (2), pages 121-140. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Hanckock, M., Lyras, A.*, Ha, J. (2013). Sport for development programs for girls and women. Journal of Sport for Development, Vol.1(1), pages15-24. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Exploring the motivations of individuals to volunteer with a sport-for-homeless initiative. International Journal of Sport Management, Vol.14, pages 103-122. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Building social capital: Examining the impact of Street Soccer USA on its volunteers. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 48(1), pages 20-37. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Lyras, A. (2012). Olympism in Practice: Psycho-social Impacts of an Educational Sport Initiative on Greek and Turkish Cypriot Youth. The International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Journal of Research.Vol. VII, 46-54.
Lyras, A. (2012). The Doves Olympic Movement Project: Integrating Olympism, Development, and Peace. In “Sport for Development, Peace, and Social Justice”. Eds: Schinke, R. & Hanrahan, S. Fitness Information Technology, p23-37.
Lyras, A. (2012). Καινοτομία μέσα απο το παρελλθον μας. [Innovation in Sport for Development]. ΕΚΙΒΟΛΟΣ, Hellenic Academy of Physical Education, Greece
Lyras, A., & Welty Peachey, J. (2011). Integrating sport-for-development theory and praxis. Sport Management Review, 14, 311-326.
Kartakoullis, N, Karlis, G., Loizou, C. & Lyras, A.* (2009). Uzing sport to build Trust. European Journal for Sport and Society. 6(1), 73-85. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution from all authors)
Yiannakis, A., Douvis, J. & Lyras, A. (2010). Making Sociology of Sport More Relevant: A Plan for Action. Invited Chapter in Sociology of Sport Textbook. In “Ο Αθλητισμός στην Κοινωνία και η Κοινωνία τοσ Αθλητισμού. (Sport in Society and the Society of Sport). Eds: Chatziefstathiou, D. & Georgoulas, S., NIRIIDES, Athens, Greece.
Lyras, A., & Hums, M. (2009). Sport and Social Change: The Case for Gender Equality. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 80(1), 7-8, 20-21.
Lyras, A. (2008). Organizational Change Theory: Sport for Peace and Development. The Chronicle of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education.
Lyras, Α. (2002). Προπονητικό Πλαίσιο Κανονισμών και Αξιολόγησης [Coaches’ regulations and evaluation framework]. Handbook submitted to the Cyprus Basketball Federation, the Cyprus Sport Organization and the Cyprus Olympic Committee.
Lyras, A.(2000). Πολύπλευρη πολιτική αθλητικής προσέγγισης. [Multi-dimensional sport policy] Η φωνή του αθλητισμού, Κυπριακός Οργανισμός αθλητισμού, τεύχος 5.
Lyras, A. (1999). Καθορισμός και αναγκαιότητα αγωνιστικού μοντέλου στις αναπτυξιακές ηλικίες.[Defining the essential needs in youth sports] Καλαθόσφαιρα. Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδίας Καλαθοσφαίρισης. Τεύχος 2, Απρίλιος 1999.
Lyras, A & Mirallais, C. (1998). Αρχικές διαπιστώσεις Παγκύπριας έρευνας του Σχεδιασμού Υποστήριξης Αναπτυξιακού Αθλητισμού. [Initial findings from the National research that was conducted by the National Scheme of Sport Development]. Ομοσπονδία Καλαθοσφαίρισης. Τεύχος 1.
Lyras, A. (2020a). Olympism for Humanity in Action Theory: Bridging the Olympic Divide by Putting Ideals into Action - An Academic Call from the Past to Pave the Pathway for the Future. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 400-410.
Lyras, A. (2020b). Olympia’s Flame for Hope, Applied Olympism and Praxis: A Call for Academic Action. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 1.
Fritz, P. & Lyras, A. (2020). Promoting Sustainable Development through Olympism in Action: A Case Study Analysis of a weltwärts Youth Exchange Project between Germany and Botswana. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 5, 1.
Ponciano Nuñez, P. D., & Lyras, A. (2018). Theory and Practice of Olympism in Society: A Case Study Analysis of Tiempo De Juego a Youth Development Foundation in Colombia. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 227-236.
Ponciano Nuñez, P. D., & Lyras, A. (2018). Basketball, Innovation and Change Agency: Historical Overview and Current Landscape. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 156-164.
Didier, S. & Lyras, A. (2018). Basketball for Change and Development: A Case Study of an International Basketball Foundation (IBF) Project in Rwanda. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 3(1), 71-80.
Panha,S & Lyras, A. (2017) Context Analysis and Prospects of Apply Olympism for Humanity and Peacebuilding in Cambodia. Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal, 2(1), 96-108.
Lyras, A. (2017) Human-centered Olympiad Ecology: Building a Sustainable Society. Proceedings of the keynote paper presentation at the 13th Joint international session for presidents and directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees, Ancient Olympia, May 7-14, 2016. International Olympic Academy, Greece
Lyras, A. & Welty Peachey, J. (2016). The Conception, Development, and Application of Sport-for-Development Theory. In “Routledge Handbook of Theory in Sport Management”. Eds: Cunningham, G., Fink, J. & Doherty, A., Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. p131-142.
Lyras, A. (2015) Olympism in the Service of Humanity: Olympism for Humanity Alliance’s bridges between theory and practice. The Official Journal of the International Olympic Academy. Vol. 8, pages 50-53.
Welty Peachy, J., Lyras, A.*, Cunningham, G., Cohen, A., Bruening, J. (2015). The influence of a sport-for-peace event on prejudice and change agent efficacy. Journal of Sport Management, Vol.29, p229-244 *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Bruening, J., Lyras, A.*, Cohen, A., & Cunningham, G. (2015). Examining social capital development among volunteers of a multinational sport-for-development event. Journal of Sport Management, Vol.29, pages 27-41. *(Principal Investigator: Equal contribution as first author)
Lyras, A. (in press) Olympism for Humanity: Restoring and reconstructing the essence of Ancient Olympia’s Legacy. Invited keynote paper to be published in the proceedings of the International Olympic Academy’s 12th International Session for Directors of National Academies, May 12th -19th, 2013 (to be translated and published in Greek, English, French and Spanish).
Lyras, A. (2014). Olympic education in practice: Educational components of a sport for peacebuilding intervention. In D. Chatziefstathiou, & M. Muller (Eds.), Olympism, Olympic education and learning legacies. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p245-259.
Welty Peachy, J., Cunningham, G., Lyras, A*, Cohen, A., & Bruening, J. (2014). Exploring the motivations of participants to take part in an elite, multinational, sport-for-development event. Event Management, Vol.18, pages 153-168. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A.*, Cohen, A., Bruening, J., & Cunningham, G. (2014). Exploring the Motives and retention factors of sport-for-development volunteers: The importance of values and relationships. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol.43(6) pages 1052-1069. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Lyras, A.*, Borland, J., & Cohen, A. (2013). Street Soccer USA Cup: Preliminary Findings of a Sport-for-Homeless Intervention, The International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Journal of Research, v8 n1 p3-11. *(Principal Investigator: Equal contribution as first author)
Ha, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Sport for Refugee Youth in a New Society: The Role of Acculturation in SFDP Programming. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, Vol. 35 (2), pages 121-140. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Hanckock, M., Lyras, A.*, Ha, J. (2013). Sport for development programs for girls and women. Journal of Sport for Development, Vol.1(1), pages15-24. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Exploring the motivations of individuals to volunteer with a sport-for-homeless initiative. International Journal of Sport Management, Vol.14, pages 103-122. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Welty Peachey, J., Cohen, A., Borland, J., & Lyras, A.* (2013). Building social capital: Examining the impact of Street Soccer USA on its volunteers. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 48(1), pages 20-37. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution as first author)
Lyras, A. (2012). Olympism in Practice: Psycho-social Impacts of an Educational Sport Initiative on Greek and Turkish Cypriot Youth. The International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Journal of Research.Vol. VII, 46-54.
Lyras, A. (2012). The Doves Olympic Movement Project: Integrating Olympism, Development, and Peace. In “Sport for Development, Peace, and Social Justice”. Eds: Schinke, R. & Hanrahan, S. Fitness Information Technology, p23-37.
Lyras, A. (2012). Καινοτομία μέσα απο το παρελλθον μας. [Innovation in Sport for Development]. ΕΚΙΒΟΛΟΣ, Hellenic Academy of Physical Education, Greece
Lyras, A., & Welty Peachey, J. (2011). Integrating sport-for-development theory and praxis. Sport Management Review, 14, 311-326.
Kartakoullis, N, Karlis, G., Loizou, C. & Lyras, A.* (2009). Uzing sport to build Trust. European Journal for Sport and Society. 6(1), 73-85. *(Principal Investigator. Equal contribution from all authors)
Yiannakis, A., Douvis, J. & Lyras, A. (2010). Making Sociology of Sport More Relevant: A Plan for Action. Invited Chapter in Sociology of Sport Textbook. In “Ο Αθλητισμός στην Κοινωνία και η Κοινωνία τοσ Αθλητισμού. (Sport in Society and the Society of Sport). Eds: Chatziefstathiou, D. & Georgoulas, S., NIRIIDES, Athens, Greece.
Lyras, A., & Hums, M. (2009). Sport and Social Change: The Case for Gender Equality. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 80(1), 7-8, 20-21.
Lyras, A. (2008). Organizational Change Theory: Sport for Peace and Development. The Chronicle of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education.
Lyras, Α. (2002). Προπονητικό Πλαίσιο Κανονισμών και Αξιολόγησης [Coaches’ regulations and evaluation framework]. Handbook submitted to the Cyprus Basketball Federation, the Cyprus Sport Organization and the Cyprus Olympic Committee.
Lyras, A.(2000). Πολύπλευρη πολιτική αθλητικής προσέγγισης. [Multi-dimensional sport policy] Η φωνή του αθλητισμού, Κυπριακός Οργανισμός αθλητισμού, τεύχος 5.
Lyras, A. (1999). Καθορισμός και αναγκαιότητα αγωνιστικού μοντέλου στις αναπτυξιακές ηλικίες.[Defining the essential needs in youth sports] Καλαθόσφαιρα. Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδίας Καλαθοσφαίρισης. Τεύχος 2, Απρίλιος 1999.
Lyras, A & Mirallais, C. (1998). Αρχικές διαπιστώσεις Παγκύπριας έρευνας του Σχεδιασμού Υποστήριξης Αναπτυξιακού Αθλητισμού. [Initial findings from the National research that was conducted by the National Scheme of Sport Development]. Ομοσπονδία Καλαθοσφαίρισης. Τεύχος 1.